Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction




The EU Constitutional Treaty recently signed by Gordon Brown and which the British people will not be allowed their say on in a referendum will bring detrimental changes to our lives if it is enacted through Parliament. Britain will then be sucked further into the undemocratic European Union institutions and Brussels will effectively become our government. There will be an acceleration in the loss of our Democratic Rights and our Personal Freedoms forcing us to live in an increasingly over regulated over taxed Totalitarian State. Descent will be suppressed by an EU police force with enhanced powers and immunity from prosecution operating on British soil.

The EU Constitutional Treaty can be stopped. Because the Queen must give her Royal Assent before the treaty can become law, it can be stopped. This is why we are asking people from all over the country to send a letter to the Queen (see letter below). If the Queen receives thousands of letters she will know the depth of the concern of the people in this country about this terrifying document.


(1) Print off this page - cut along the line as shown - fill in your name and address, sign, date and post the letter using a stamped envelope to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth11, Buckingham Palace, London SW1A 1AA. If you do not have a printing facility please consider handwriting the letter.

(2) Important -so that this campaign spreads right across the Country please forwards this e-mail onto as many contacts as possible.

(3) One last thing, it would be helpful if you could send a confirmation e-mail so that we can monitor the volume of letters sent, simply key into subject SENT LETTER and e-mail to

Cut along this line----- fill in your name and address and send the letter to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11

From - Name Address

Your Majesty,
I appeal to you to defend and uphold the British Constitution, as you promised us in your Coronation Oath. I urge you to refuse your Royal Assent to any Bill to enact the EU Reform Treaty, unless we, the British people, have first been allowed to have our say in a fair referendum. You promised to govern us according to our laws and customs. The Bill of Rights 1689 states that we should never be ruled by 'foreign powers'

In 2004, after large numbers of Britons petitioned both you and your government, Tony Blair promised us a referendum on the European Constitution. As nearly all Europeans and British leaders agree, the EU Reform Treaty is a virtual carbon copy of the European Constitution, with around 99% of its wording the same as four years ago

This Treaty will bring in a European government, Britain will be forced ton accept a Foreign and defence policy, including an EU army and paramilitary units with the right to operate on our soil. Precious rights such as the presumption of innocence and trial by jury will no longer be guaranteed. Under the Treaty, the EU will have power to further remove what independence we have left, without our consent. You may by convention have to follow government advice when giving Royal Assent; equally, the government must not give you unconstitutional advice

Yours Sincerely - Signed Date
Produced by David Hudson 1 Feilden Way, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 0BS